Erik Spoelstra: LeBron James was already incredibly organized at 26 years old. I wish young players could learn from him
Erik Spoelstra admires LeBron James` professionalism. The 39-year-old forward was the team`s best in a devastating loss to the Heat.
I can`t say this surprised me because he was incredibly organized even at 26 years old. This does not change with age. All components of victory have always been extremely important to him.
Wish our young players could learn from him during team meetings. All clubs say that you need to be involved, to have a voice. And LeBron is still not tired of this process, of preparation, of analyzing records. I would like young people to see this.
And to his routine. Before general training. In the gym. He was always there first. All this preserves his playing youth. Work before and after. That Miami with young James was filled with stars. And they all looked around at what others were doing.
I wish our young guys could learn from him, ” concluded the Miami head coach.
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