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Bill Belik signed an official contract with the University of North Carolina for 5 years

Bill Belik signed an official contract with the University of North Carolina for 5 years

Former head coach of New Ingland Patriots Bill Belik signed an official contract with the University of North Carolina.
Earlier, a 72-year-old specialist had only a preliminary agreement in his hands, which is why the press speculated on the possible return of the coach to the NFL. It is known that the minority owner Las Vegas Reiders Tom Brady learned from Belik about the possibility of leading the team.
Based on a 5-year contract, Belik will earn $ 10 million per year, but only in the first 3 years this amount is guaranteed.
For 24 years of work in New Ingland, Belchik won Super Bowl 6 times. During his career, he won 333 matches in regular seasons and playoffs in total, according to this indicator only Don Shula (347) ahead.

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