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Nadia was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the University of Salamanca, there were 34% of the voters against his candidacy

Nadia was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the University of Salamanca, there were 34% of the voters against his candidacy

The University of Salamanca appropriated the title of Honorary Doctor to Rafael. In honor of each honorary doctor at the university, a portrait is hung, on which the merits of a person and the date of appointment are noted.
The election of Nadal was the most controversial appointment of a new doctor in the history of the university: against Nadal’s candidacy were 34% of the voting (177 votes for, 91-against). According to El País, usually candidates receive overwhelming or almost unanimous support.
According to sources, critics say that the 22-fold champion of large helmet has no connection with Salamanca, as well as research or academic authority. They note that Nadal sometimes spoke out in support of the university, but insist that the assignment of the title is inappropriate.
Sources in the university environment associate such a reaction with the personality of the rector Jose Manuel Korchado, who nominated the tennis player for the vote. Korchado is scandalously known for numerous self -tocing.  The Ethics Committee of the National Research Council of Spain accused Korchado of deliberate and systematic manipulation of the resume. Some at the university believe that by conferring the title, Nadal Korchado wanted to appear in the press for a different reason and improve the reputation.
In 2015, to put it awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the European University Madrid.

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