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  • 1 - Home team to win the match
  • X - Match to be drawn
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live sport

Collins about a three -network with Ayava: during the match I thought, since I was here, then, perhaps, I will take this big fat check

Collins about a three -network with Ayava: during the match I thought, since I was here, then, perhaps, I will take this big fat check

Daniel Collins spoke about her motivation in a match with Paul Ayayava. She beat Australia 7:6 (4), 4:6, 6:2, and after the match she provoked the audience.
Yes, Destani . . . (the stands are buzzing and interfering with talking).
(Collins pauses and smiles). During the match, I thought, since I was here, then, perhaps, I will take this big fat check. We really want to go on an elite vacation - and some of this money will go to him. So thank you guys. Thank you for having come and supported us.

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