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  • 1 - Home team to win the match
  • X - Match to be drawn
  • 2 - Away team to win the match
  • 1X - Home team to win or match to be drawn
  • X2 - Away team to win or match to be drawn

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Joel Embid, Tyerise Maxi and Paul George won the first victory together

Joel Embid, Tyerise Maxi and Paul George won the first victory together

Philadelphia beat Chicago visiting 108:100. Trio Joel Embiad, Tyriz Maxi and Paul George won her first victory together as a teammate.
Maxi issued the first triple-draw in his career and updated the personal record for the number of programs in one match-25 points, 11 rebounds and 14 programs. He became the first defender Sixers to formalize the Triple Dabble after James Harden (2023).
Embid, who returned to duty after seven missed matches, scored 31 points, made 12 rebounds and 4 gear. George marked 12 points and 7 selection.
Sixers are in 12th place in the Eastern Conference with a result of 7-15.

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