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  • 1 - Home team to win the match
  • X - Match to be drawn
  • 2 - Away team to win the match
  • 1X - Home team to win or match to be drawn
  • X2 - Away team to win or match to be drawn

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Hall with this. Yudonis Haslus turned to Dallas fans about the exchange of Luke Donchich

Hall with this.  Yudonis Haslus turned to Dallas fans about the exchange of Luke Donchich

Yudonis Haslus called on Dallas fans to come to terms with the exchange of Luke Donchich. I want to turn to Dallas fans. Send it with it!
I had a chance to play against this club in the final series. Once they defeated us, the second time - no. Rejoice, because some clubs have not reached the finals for 20 years. Hall with this.
You have a good club, Dallas. Rejoice that you were recently in the final and you were lucky enough to see this, ”said the three -time NBA champion.

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