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  • X - Match to be drawn
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Gurtskaya about Abaskal: I thought that he would be the king of the world after Spartak, but it turned out that he was a naked king. Will slowly die like a coach

Gurtskaya about Abaskal: I thought that he would be the king of the world after Spartak, but it turned out that he was a naked king.  Will slowly die like a coach

Timur Gurtskaya appreciated the level of coaching skills of Guillermo Abaskal. He thought that after Spartak he would be the king of the world, but it turned out that he was a naked king. He was kicked out of the small Spanish team [Granada], and already hit memories, which means that he would slowly die like a coach.
I am convinced that Abaskal is ready to go to any RPL team, in Spain they see its real level. To stay in Spain, you need to give a constant result there, ”said one of the leading channel, this is football, brother! And a football agent.
Abaskal about Spartak: today`s team was fully prepared and created by us

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